Realities of Extreme Poverty in America

Realities of Extreme Poverty in America

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 512 , Segment 2

Do Online Petitions Work?, Reality of Extreme Poverty in America

Episode: Do Online Petitions Work?, Reality of Extreme Poverty in America

  • Mar 17, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 52:04 mins

Guest: Kathryn Edin, PhD, co-author of “$2.00 a Day,” Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University Think about what you spend in a given day. Just start with the gas in your car and the bagel or beverage you grab for breakfast on your way to school or work - you’ve already maxed out the daily budget for the person we’re talking about today. One and a half million American households live on $2 per person per day. Those households include three million children. And that number has grown dramatically in just the last 20 years.