Everyday Rockstar, Expiration Dates, Skin Fasting, The Perfect Party, Food Storage, Plant Based Eating, The Meaning of Flowers

Everyday Rockstar, Expiration Dates, Skin Fasting, The Perfect Party, Food Storage, Plant Based Eating, The Meaning of Flowers

The Lisa Show

  • May 13, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:41:15 mins
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Everyday Rockstar (0:00:00) Lisa and Richie talk with this week’s feature Everyday Rockstar. You or someone you love could be featured too! Send your nominations to thelisashow@byu.edu. Expiration Dates (0:04:07) There are two types of people in this world: those who strictly follow expiration dates, and those who live by the “it’s bad when it’s bad” philosophy. But no matter what guidelines you adhere to, we’ve all had experiences where our food lived months past its expiration date. And on the flip side, we’ve had moments where our food went bad weeks before it was supposed to. So, what’s the deal with expiration and sell-by dates, and when should we follow them? Today, we’re joined by Ryan Nebeker, a research and policy analyst for the environmentally conscious company FoodPrint, to discuss when it’s the right time to throw food out. Skin Fasting (0:16:03) We all have skin care routines to help us get the skin we want. It can be as simple as moisturizing every night to spending hours every morning prepping your skin with a variety of products. And there is a product for everything: ageing, wrinkles, acne, dry skin.... You name it. But have you ever considered throwing away all of those treatments and just letting your skin breathe for a minute? This idea, where you don’t use any products on your skin, is called “skin fasting.” It makes a lot of people nervous, because many of us have come to rely on skincare products. So, we invited Heidi Prather, a certified dermatologist from Austin, Texas, to discuss this trend and what the benefits are. The Perfect Party (0:34:26) Don’t you just love a good party? Obviously right now we shouldn’t be hosting huge gatherings... but when things begin to go back to normal, we’ll need some party planning tips, because you know I’ll be throwing a party to celebrate COVID being over! Now, behind every good party is time spent planning and prepping your home which can cause a lot of stress. So, how can we throw an awesome party without spreading ourselves too thin? To help us figure this out we invited Allison Carter to the show. Allison is a master party planner who believes any occasion deserves to be celebrated, and she helps people save money, time, and stress by planning right. Food Storage – Keeping it Fresh (0:50:39) Have you ever looked at your food storage and realized you wouldn’t want to actually eat what was in there? Or, heaven forbid, have to try to get your kids to eat it? Or perhaps you don’t have any emergency supply in place. Whatever state your food storage is in, it’s never a bad idea to revisit and improve your plan for an emergency supply of food. In the event of a natural disaster or sudden loss of income, it would be a nice reassurance to know that your family can subsist on and even enjoy the food from your food storage. Here today to help us get our food storage to that point is food storage guru Beth Buck. Plant Based Eating (1:11:57) With shortages in meat due to the pandemic’s effect on supply chains, the thought of switching to a plant-based diet has likely crossed your mind. But for many of us, cutting meat completely out of our diets is an unrealistic expectation. Can you imagine never eating chicken again? We wanted to find out more about plant-based diets and what the benefits would be, so we invited registered dietitian-nutritionist and friend of the show, Laura Silver, to talk about them. The Secret Meaning of Flowers (1:28:30) Despite everything that’s going on in the world today, we are lucky to still have beauty surround us, especially at this time of year. My personal favorite part of spring is the flowers! I love to see them, smell them, and receive them. But did you guys know that flowers have their own secret meanings? We all know what red roses symbolize, but what do chrysanthemums represent? And what about orchids? Well today we have Nic Faitos, owner and founder of Starbright Floral Design in New York City, here on the show to tell us all about the secret meaning of flowers.