Myth of Excessive Work, Your Kid's Friends, Screen Cleaning

Myth of Excessive Work, Your Kid's Friends, Screen Cleaning

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 59

  • Mar 9, 2018 6:00 pm
  • 2:31:26 mins

Myth of Excessive Work (20:53) Peter Fleming is a professor of business and society at Cass Business School, City University London. He is a columnist for the Guardian and the author of The Mythology of Work. Work is how many define themselves and gives them purpose and direction in their lives. But like anything, there are limits. All work and no play can lead to serious health consequence. Research shows that more than 12 hours of inactivity per day (like sitting at a desk) can have similar effects as smoking. Peter Fleming explains how the myth of excessive work is spread and what is a more realistic expectation of work. What to Do When You Hate Your Kid's Friends (1:09:22) Sean Grover is a psychotherapist, author, and speaker with 25 years’ experience helping parents fend off nervous breakdowns (including his own). Sean’s most recent parenting book is WHEN KIDS CALL THE SHOTS: How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully--and Enjoy Parenting Again. It is no secret that who your kid befriends matters a lot. Numerous studies have demonstrated that kids who associate with teenagers who adopt risky behaviors are much more likely to engage in those behaviors themselves. Furthermore, these friend choices can teach you a lot about your own kid. Sean Grover teaches us what to do when we disapprove of our kid’s friends. Jeff Simpson - Screen Cleaning (1:39:13) Jeff Simpson talks about movies and TV helping you find family-friendly options.

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