Vitamin D and Depression
Top of Mind with Julie Rose
Grad Jobs Outlook, Sniffing Robots, Chocolate and Depression
Episode: Grad Jobs Outlook, Sniffing Robots, Chocolate and Depression
- May 27, 2015 9:00 pm
- 9:41 mins
Guest: David Kerr, Ph. D, Psychology Professor at Oregon State University While we’re on the subject of health, let’s turn now to some new research about depression and Vitamin D. Researchers have long suspected a connection between the two, but a proven link has been evasive. However, a recent study published in the journal of Psychiatry Research seems to have found clear evidence that the proper levels of Vitamin D can, in fact, ease depressive symptoms in healthy young women. Oregon State University psychology professor David Kerr was lead author of the study. He spoke with Top of Mind student producer Kim Anderson about the effects of Vitamin D on mood.