Getting Schooled
Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 440
- Apr 21, 2020 6:00 am
- 50:31 mins
The Best Ways for Kids to Learn During COVID-19 Guest: Denise Pope, Co-Founder, Challenge Success, and Senior Lecturer, Stanford University As we adjust to the new normal of COVID-19, don’t worry about making sure your kids absorb all of their school material. Instead, focus on giving them the experiences that will help them develop the skills to learn in all aspects of life. Remember PDF: personal, down, and family time. Learn How to Learn Guest: Barbara Oakley, Professor, Engineering, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, and author, "Learning How to Learn," creator of MOOC "Learning How to Learn" School got you down? Take heart, because anyone can learn how to learn. Screen Time Limits Guest: Nicholas Tampio, Professor, Political Science, Fordham University Nicholas Tampio wants kids to look up from their screens and learn through interactive and tactile experiences.