Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges

Top of Mind with Julie Rose

Ruby Bridges, Thanksgiving Evolution, Turkey Vaccine

Episode: Ruby Bridges, Thanksgiving Evolution, Turkey Vaccine

  • Nov 23, 2015 10:00 pm
  • 23:17 mins

Guest: Ruby Bridges, a Civil Rights icon since the age of six, when she was among the first African American children to integrate an all-white school in the South     Norman Rockwell’s iconic painting of a tiny African American girl flanked by four federal marshals is called, “The Problem We All Live With” and it’s a provocative invitation to consider the ugliness of racism. The girl’s dress and sneakers and the little bow in her braided hair are impossibly white. She looks calm and resolute, even though the wall she’s walking by is marred with a racial slur and the splatter of tomatoes.  She’s Ruby Bridges and November 14, 1960 was her first day of first grade as one of the first African American children to integrate an all-white school in the South.