Bone Marrow Donation
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 582 , Segment 5
India and the US, Laptop Bans, Bone-Marrow Donation
Episode: India and the US, Laptop Bans, Bone-Marrow Donation
- Jun 27, 2017 11:00 pm
- 18:02 mins
Guest: Reed Wolfley, News Media student, BYU, Student Producer for Top of Mind Last fall, we had a conversation on Top of Mind with the donor organization, Be the Match about bone marrow transplants, which can save the lives of people suffering from certain types of leukemia, lymphoma, or blood disease. Our student engineer Reed Wolfley was working in the studio that day, running the sound controls. Something clicked for him and he decided to join the donor registry. To his surprise, Reed was quickly matched with a needy recipient and a little over a week ago, he flew across the country to donate bone marrow. So we’ve asked him in to talk about the process.