Sibling Relations in History

Sibling Relations in History

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 610 , Segment 1

History of Sibling Relationships, The Anatomy of Peace

Episode: History of Sibling Relationships, The Anatomy of Peace

  • Aug 4, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 51:19 mins

Guest: Amy Harris, PhD, Associate Professor of History, BYU, Author of “Siblinghood and Social Relations in Georgian England” Sibling relationships can be some of our closest and most rewarding. They can also be competitive and volatile. But at the end of your life, the people you’ve known the longest will have been your siblings. They were around long before you married. They’ll probably be around long after your parents are gone.  We’re going to hear, this hour, about some brothers and sisters who lived during the 18th century, when our modern idea of what it means to be “family” was just emerging.