Happiness Booster, Flu Outbreak, College not for Everyone
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 42
- Feb 17, 2018 7:00 am
- 2:22:41 mins
World's Easiest Happiness Booster (20:16) Greg Panza is an exercise physiologist at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut whose research has focused on the effects of exercise on cardiovascular health. He is also a current Doctoral Candidate at the University of Connecticut. We all know that exercising is a great way to kick start our day and feel better, even if most of us struggle to keep a consistent struggle. New research, though, shows that we don’t even have to break a sweat in order to reap the benefits of exercise. Greg Panza reveals the World's Easiest Happiness Booster. Flu Outbreak (1:08:19) Dr. Chantel Sloan is a professor of Health Science at BYU. The “influenza” more commonly called the flu is making a nasty bought this season. Hospitals are low on supplies, the vaccine did not cover all strains that are out there, and people are dying. Dr. Sloan talks about this flu season and explains why this year is so deadly. The World Might Be Better Off Without College for Everyone (1:54:31) Bryan Caplan, Ph.D., is a Professor of Economics at George Mason University and the author of “The Case of Against Education: Why the education system is a waste of money and time.” You hear it all the time on our show, “College isn’t for everyone.” We have heard all the arguments about this topic. But here is a new one, Is college good for anyone? Bryan Caplan explains the problems with higher education in preparing students for future employment of life.