Common Core: National Education Standards and the Threat to Democracy

Common Core: National Education Standards and the Threat to Democracy

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 40 , Segment 1

Common Core, Our Cultural Success, What to Say in Marriage

Episode: Common Core, Our Cultural Success, What to Say in Marriage

  • Feb 15, 2018 5:00 pm
  • 48:39 mins

Nicholas Tampio. Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Political Science at Fordham University. He currently researches the history of political thought, contemporary political theory, and education policy. He is the author of Common Core: National Education Standards and the Threat to Democracy. The Common Core State Standards Initiative is one of the most controversial pieces of education policy to emerge in decades. Between 2013 and 2015, public support for the Common Core dropped from 65 to 49 percent while teacher support plummeted from 76 to 40 percent.  Nicholas Tampio talks about Common Core and how national education standards may not be the answer.