National Parks Update

National Parks Update

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 98 , Segment 3

Teen Summer Jobs, Nature and Mental Health, National Parks

Episode: Teen Summer Jobs, Nature and Mental Health, National Parks

  • Jul 8, 2015 9:00 pm
  • 13:55 mins

If National Parks are a regular part of your summer vacation, expect to pay higher fees. The entrance fees and annual pass prices went up at 130 national parks, in some cases doubling or tripling. An annual pass to Arches in Southeast Utah will cost you $50 this year – last year it was $25.  The cost to enter Yellowstone in a car went up $5 this year to $30. Yosemite and Grand Canyon on the list of parks with higher fees, too. And whether you enter in a car, on foot or by motorcycle, you’ll probably be paying more for the visit. Kurt Repanshek is founder and editor of – the leading online resource for National Parks-related news.