National Park Shutdown

National Park Shutdown

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 985 , Segment 4

Syria, Planetary Defense, Tiger Conflict, National Parks

Episode: Syria, Planetary Defense, Tiger Conflict, National Parks

  • Jan 15, 2019 11:00 pm
  • 14:59 mins

Guest: Kurt Repanshek, Founder and Editor of - Leading Online Resource for National Parks-related News The ongoing government shutdown includes the National Park Service, technically. But for the last three weeks, many of the nation’s most popular parks have attempted to stay open with a skeleton crew of park police, first responders and –in some cases –volunteers. Their efforts are being stretched. There are reports of vandalism in parks, as well as overflowing trash cans and toilets –which you’d expect if no-one’s around to collect the garbage or pump out the porta-potties.