Young Readers, Writing, and Art

Young Readers, Writing, and Art

Worlds Awaiting - Season 3, Episode 30

  • Nov 14, 2018 8:00 pm
  • 56:52 mins
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Reader Interaction (3:28) Books are bridges that can connect authors with their readers. Michelle Staubach Grimes is an author that loves to share her experiences with fans and promote literacy wherever she goes. She is the author of Where is Pidge? and most recently Pidge Takes the Stage. Michelle began her adult life practicing law and then sports marketing before pursuing writing.  Storytime (18:22) Libraries are known for their storytimes and we are too. Each week at around 15 minutes past the hour, tune in to hear book reviews or live readings of picture books or poetry. Today one of Rachel's former students and future teacher Alyssa Crabbe reviews Magid Fasts for Ramadan by Mary Matthews. Writing Journey (22:09) Every author has a different path to begin writing, and every book comes with its own process. Today Kristyn Crow shares what got her started in writing poetry and picture books. Kristyn is the author of Zombelina, Bedtime in the Swamp, Middle Child Blues, and many more cute rhyming stories with fun illustrations. She has always wanted to be a picture book author and currently lives in Utah with her husband and seven children. Encouraging Art (36:41) Sometimes it is all you can do to stop your children from drawing on the walls, and sometimes you can’t convince them to place a pencil to a page. Scott and Cally Flox bring their expertise as artists, educators, and parents to the show and share how they encourage art every day. Library Resources (47:35) Today we are around the Librarians' Table with Nathan Robison and Matthew Kammerer from the Orem Public Library in Utah. They discuss with Rachel some library resources that you might not usually connect with being offered at your local library including sound booths and art studios.

Episode Segments