Taxes and Recession, Five Longings, Death Anxiety

Taxes and Recession, Five Longings, Death Anxiety

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 98

  • Apr 26, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 2:25:19 mins

Taxes and Recession (14:23) Jay Zagorsky, Ph.D. is an Economist and Research Scientist at The Ohio State University.  His research is focused on understanding the causes and consequences of poverty and wealth. He has published in a range of different disciplines including economics, sociology, demography, and health.  Although the Economy might seem unpredictable to the average joe, economists dedicate their lives to figuring out the science of the wealth and resources of a country.  Jay Zagorsky, Ph.D.  explains the science of predicting recessions and how to prepare for a downturn and the impact of tax policy on the little guy. Makena Bauss - Legalize Lemonade Stands (41:53) Lawmakers in Utah have legalized lemonade stands, letting minors run small, temporary businesses without a license. Such a law shouldn’t be necessary, but every so often overzealous government officials bring the weight of the regulatory state down on children trying to raise a few bucks. Producer Makena Bauss with the info The Five Longings (1:04:38) David Richo, PhD, MFT, is a psychotherapist, teacher, workshop leader, and writer who works in Santa Barbara and San Francisco California. He combines Jungian, poetic, and mythic perspectives in his work with the intention of integrating the psychological and the spiritual. We have all wondered what motivates us, is it just an instinct for survival or is there something driving us to search for meaning. A longing is a deep desire of our heart, a longing gives us the motivation to act and to keep acting. According to a psychotherapist, David Richo, there are five major longings of the human soul that shape our nature; love, meaning, freedom, happiness, and growth. Each of these longings can reveal our identities, showing what we want, what our ideals are, and what motivates us. David Richo shares his book The Five Longings: What We've Always Wanted-and Already Have Caitlin Thomas - Hobbies and Work (1:30:44) Can you think back to when you were a kid or even a teenager, or perhaps a young adult and can you remember when you had “hobbies?” Have you gotten so caught up in your work and home life that you haven’t left any time for those things that you used to love? Caitlin Thomas reminds us why hobbies are important and what we can do to in our lives to still have them.   Death Anxiety (1:53:30) Shervin Assari, Ph.D. is a research investigator of psychiatry and public health at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He received his postdoctoral training in racial and ethnic health disparities and is a fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine. Dr. Assari chaired committees in American Academy of Health Behaviors (AAHB) and also American College of Epidemiology (ACE). Death anxiety is something that will almost inevitably affect all of us, but are there predictors that can estimate just how much death anxiety you will face depending on your race, religion, or background? Dr. Shervin Assari discusses his research on death anxiety.