Ability Beyond, Laugh Through Life, Google Decade Trends, Allyship, Cold and Flu Season, Holiday Relationship

Ability Beyond, Laugh Through Life, Google Decade Trends, Allyship, Cold and Flu Season, Holiday Relationship

The Lisa Show

  • Dec 11, 2019 3:00 pm
  • 1:41:10 mins
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Ability Beyond (0:00:00) In our country, there are a fair amount of resources for children growing up with disabilities. Customized school experiences, after-school programs, and summer camps all help our disabled youth to understand how capable and incredible they are. But what resources are available for young adults with disabilities? How do they learn how to write a resume, land a job, and become independent? Ability Beyond, an organization based out of the East Coast, is doing big things to help our disabled community with problems facing every common adult. With us is Carrie O’Connell, Director of Programs and Services at Ability Beyond, to tell us about unemployment among those with disabilities and how their organization is helping. Laugh Through Life (0:14:02) Many of us can struggle to find meaning amidst the monotony of our daily routine. Whether we’re climbing the corporate ladder, learning how to parent, or just trying to make ends meet, it can be easy to forget why it all matters. So how can we start learning from even the most seemingly insignificant life experiences? To help us out, we’re joined by Dr. David Levy, author of the new book, LIFE Is a Four-Letter Word, to talk about the lessons that he’s learned. Google Decade Trends (0:34:49) Have you ever started typing a question into the Google search bar and seen the outlandish, auto-generated questions that pop up? Every December, Google releases the top searches out of the trillions made each year, revealing what people around the world are asking and talking about. Justin Burr, a Google trends expert, joins us to share the biggest Google trends of the decade. Allyship (0:50:35) We want to believe that we’re all created equally, but it’s an unfortunate truth that whether because of gender, race or sexuality, sometimes life is easier for some people than it is for others. These differences are important, they’re a part of our identities and we want to celebrate them and it’s unfair and unjust when anyone is held down because of their beautiful differences. So the question is—what can be done about the situation? If we see someone being treated unfairly, especially if they’re being treated so because they’re a minority in some sense, how can people reach out and help? Here to talk to us about some of her thoughts surrounding this and allyship is poet Ashley Finley. Cold and Flu Season (1:08:55) Stuffy noses, sore throats, fevers, that cough that just won’t go away. . . Cold and flu season is the worst and it’s upon us! How can we possibly fight such a catastrophe? Dr. Cass Ingram is a natural physician with some great solutions for building up our immune systems this winter. We’ve invited him onto the show to share them! Holiday Relationships (1:23:28) This time of year can be very romantic. With those Christmas songs rife with lyrics describing kissing under the mistletoe, dreaming by the fire, and walking in winter wonderlands it’s no wonder that more people are finding themselves in relationships during the holidays. But sometimes, navigating holiday relationships can get tricky. Whether you are wondering when is the right time to introduce your significant other to your families or to make a bigger step in your relationship, the romance can quickly turn to panic. Here to help guide us through these relationships is dating coach and matchmaker Kimberly Seltzer.