Jambalaya Ten
  • Mar 19, 2014 6:00 am
  • 58:14 mins
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Stories included in this episode: Charlotte Blake Alston Story 1: Nyala Teller: Charlotte Blake Alston Site: www.charlotteblakealston.com Notes: A story about how our shortcomings can sometimes become our greatest strengths. Alton Chung Story 2: Punia and Kaialeale Teller: Alton Chung Site: www.altonchung.com Notes: A boy tricks a mighty shark into abandoning his territory. Bill Harley Story 3: The Boy Who Hide in a Peanut Teller: Bill Harley Site: www.billharley.com Notes: A folk tale from Africa about a boy who bites off more than he can chew. Kevin Kling Story 4: Bus Strike Teller: Kevin Kling Site: www.kevinkling.com Notes: Kevin's funny and poignant memories of riding on the buses in his native Minnesota. The Apple Seed Story 5: Johnny Appleseed Teller: Bonnie Greenberg Site: www.bonniegreenberg.net Notes: Bonnie's rendition of the traditional Johnny Appleseed tale.