The 1968 Democratic Convention, 3D Printed Firearms, Questioning Marijuana Safety

The 1968 Democratic Convention, 3D Printed Firearms, Questioning Marijuana Safety

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 886

  • Aug 27, 2018 6:00 am
  • 1:41:07 mins
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Lookback At Chaos: The 1968 Democratic Convention 50 Years Later Guest: Taylor Pensoneau, Journalist, Author Fifty years ago this week, America watched on television as the Democratic National Convention in Chicago descended into violence. In the months before the 1968 convention, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy had been assassinated. Public sentiment had turned against the Vietnam War. As protesters and police clashed brutally outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Democrats inside the hall were hopelessly split between establishment forces who backed LBJ’s Vice President Hubert Humphrey and the anti-war supporters of Senator Eugene McCarthy. Looking back on that week in 1968, a young reporter named Taylor Pensoneau assigned to cover the convention says it showed him, “that the solid fabric of American political life, and even society itself, could be undone.” How Do 3D-Printed Firearms Work? Guest: Alfredo Orejuela, Founder/CEO, STEAMporio Earlier today, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Lasnik extended a ban prohibiting an organization called Defense Distributed from publishing blueprints for 3D-printable guns online. This extended ban marks the most recent development in a legal battle stretching back to 2013, when the founder of Defense Distributed, Cody Wilson, made the first fully-3D-printed pistol and posted the design online, but was told that uploading the files was the same as exporting illegal firearms. But how exactly do these 3D-printed guns work? What does it take to make one? What do we have to understand about the tech before we understand the issue? Amazon Tackles The Lord of the Rings Adaptation Guest: Dennis Cutchins, PhD, Professor of English, Brigham Young University Before there was Star Trek, Game of Thrones or Harry Potter, there was Lord of the Rings. JRR Tolkien’s classic fantasy epic has had vast influence on the genre – and for entertainment companies, it has vast potential. Amazon recently announced it bought