Cinderella Remix
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 38
- Oct 7, 2013 6:00 am
- 57:34 mins
Stories included in this episode: Milbre Burch Story 1: Billy Beg and his Bull Teller: Milbre Burch Website: Notes: Billy Beg goes on a journey to become the prince of a distant kingdom. Ed Stivender Story 2: Cinderella Teller: Ed Stivender Website: Notes: Ed Stivender's bluesy retelling of the traditional Cinderella fairy tale. Stephanie Beneteau Story 3: The Invisible Boy Teller: Stephanie Beneteau Website: Notes: A young girl with a pure heart is able to see the legendary "invisible boy." Megan Hicks Story 4: Groundhog Godmother Teller: Megan Hicks Website: Notes: Maybe Cinderella wasn't interested in going to the ball after all? Angela Lloyd Story 5: Cinderella's Choice Teller: Angela Lloyd Website: Notes: Cinderella's happiness depends on her ability to share with others.