The Nightingale
  • May 21, 2021 6:00 am
  • 56:50 mins
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Stories have been passed down from generation to generation. Each one is full of lessons that we can carry with us through our lives. Some entertain us and tell fun tales, while others tug at our heart strings and help us experience human emotions. These tales are a mix of tall tales, personal tales, and more that share important life lessons with us. On today’s episode, enjoy the following stories: “The Nightingale” by Heather Forest from The Eye of the Beholder (2:37) Radio Family Journal: "Incredible Hulk" by Sam Payne (17:34) The Daily Mix: "Cars" with Andy Offutt Irwin (23:56) “Finding Folklore/Bile Them Cabbage Down” by Dolores Hydock from Footprint on the Sky: Memories of a Chandler Mountain Spring (33:12) “The Stonecutter” by Laura Deal from The Diffendaffer Taffy Café (43:52) “Question of Balance” by Karen Golden from Pass It On: A Journey Through the Jewish Holidays in Story and Song (47:55)