Eco-Friendly Holidays, Toddler Communications, Office Holiday Party Etiquette, Understanding Fertility Challenges, Food Books, Preparing for Tax Season during Holidays

Eco-Friendly Holidays, Toddler Communications, Office Holiday Party Etiquette, Understanding Fertility Challenges, Food Books, Preparing for Tax Season during Holidays

The Lisa Show

  • Dec 12, 2019 3:00 pm
  • 1:41:11 mins
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Eco-Friendly Holidays (0:00:00) The holidays may be the most wonderful time of the year, but they are also the most wasteful. Think about it – with every inch of wrapping paper ripped off of presents, every cute homemade decoration that won’t last till next year, and all of the cardboard packaging surrounding your kids’ new favorite toys. And don’t get me started on how much of a workout it is trying to stuff all that waste into your tiny trash can… A shocking statistic has revealed that Americans?generate almost 1,000 pounds of trash per household during the holiday season.?But much of what is thrown away during the holidays can be recycled or re-purposed.?Jeremy Walters, sustainability ambassador at?Republic Services,?is on the show to give us recycling tips. Toddler Communication (0:14:43) Can you imagine what life would be like if you weren’t able to express yourself to the people around you? If your thoughts and needs had to stay inside you because you didn’t know enough words to express them? There’s a surprisingly large amount of people that live everyday like this, and it might not be who you think. It’s our children, especially our toddlers. How can we teach them to speak more effectively? Dr. Ruben J. Rucoba, a pediatrician, joins us to teach us what we can do to help our children learn to communicate better. Office Holiday Party Etiquette (0:34:42) With the many holiday parties to attend this season, how are you feeling about your work party? I find that people either can’t wait or can’t find enough excuses to get out of going. Despite your place on the excitement scale, there are some definite do’s and don’ts of work party etiquette, and expert Jodi Smith is here to share them all. Understanding Fertility Challenges (0:50:36) Infertility affects approximately 12% of women and 11% of men aged 15 to 44 in the United States, and out of the women that are affected by infertility, more than half of the issues are unexplained. With so much unanswered, those struggling to get pregnant can easily feel overwhelmed and confused. Dr. Jennifer Mercier, a women’s health and reproductive wellness provider, joins us to share what we need to know about fertility as well as how to face infertility issues. Mini Book Club: Food Books (1:04:39) Rachel Wadham, host of Worlds Awaiting, joins us to share some of the best food books. Preparing for Tax Season During the Holidays (1:23:19) It’s the holidays and the last thing on everyone’s mind is tax season. It may seem stressful to think about filing your taxes now, but January is not too far away. Being on top of your taxes can really benefit you in the long run. Here to tell us what we can do to prepare for tax season now is Heather Watts. Heather is Senior Vice President and General Manager of Digital at H&R Block.