Music and Work, Dating as a Single Parent, Simplicity, Dangers of Vaping, Opioid Addiction, Screen Cleaning, Weekly Roundup

Music and Work, Dating as a Single Parent, Simplicity, Dangers of Vaping, Opioid Addiction, Screen Cleaning, Weekly Roundup

The Lisa Show

  • Sep 20, 2019 2:00 pm
  • 1:41:00 mins
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Music and Work (0:00:00) Are youthe kind of person who listens to music to study? What about when you’re working or cleaning? Music can be an effective tool in helping us focus. However, not every task should have the drum of a beat in your ear, and sometimes, working in silence might be a more effective way to work. Today we want to talk about using music as a tool for focus. We have with us Massimiliano Frani, a composer, pianist, and music pedagogue who founded Genote Lab. Dating as a Single Parent (0:17:20) Are you a single parent? What do you do if you want to start dating, but are having a hard time balancing your time with your kids and your time for yourself? Dating can be hard, and taking the time away from your family is even harder. Today we are going to discuss how you can find the balance in your life and feel ready to start dating again. We are joined today by marriage and family therapist and founder of Growing Self Counseling Lisa Marie Bobby. Simplicity (0:36:54) Have you ever noticed that the best and most successful brands are really just simple fixes to a problem you didn’t even know you had? Have you ever seen a simple product take off and make tons of money and thought to yourself “I could have come up with that!”? Well today we want to unpack the science behind that simplicity. We have with us Chris Oquist, a designer and Director of User Experience and Digital Strategy whose life work has been focused on a pursuit of simplicity. The Dangers of Vaping (0:50:24) Fifty years ago cigarettes were at their peak. It was cool, it was chic to smoke, it seemed like basically everyone did it. Years of taxation, law reform and anti-smoking ads later, the percent of Americans who consistently smoke has dipped below 15%, down from almost 50% in the late 1960s.So we’re done with nicotine right? I guess not. Because while cigarettes have been on the decline, e-cigs, including vapes and Juuls have been on the way up. Are they really a ‘safe’ alternative like many teens think, though? What are the real dangers of this new trend? Here to tell us more about what the kids are getting themselves addicted to these days is Dr. Linda Richter, research psychologist and Director of Policy Research and Analysis at the Center on Addiction. Opioid Addiction Treatment (1:05:58) Nearly 21 million Americans struggle with substance addictions, which is more than the number of people who suffer from all the different cancers combined. We see addiction running rampant in our society-from pornography to drugs and alcohol to technology. With addictions knocking on everyone’s doors, how can we help those who are suffering? What are the best methods for recovery? Paul Pellinger is the co-founder and vision leader of Recovery Unplugged, a music-focused rehabilitation program. With over 20 years of experience in the recovery industry and his unique take on the process, we thought he’d be the perfect person to talk to about this. Screen Cleaning (1:23:27) Jeff Simpson and Cole Wissinger of BYU Radio's Screen Cleaning discuss the best movies to see this weekend, including Downton Abbey and Ad Astra. Weekly Roundup (1:34:27) Producer Becca Hurley gives a musical summary of the week.