Suicide Rates, Awakening, Managing Emotional Mayhem

Suicide Rates, Awakening, Managing Emotional Mayhem

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 119

  • May 18, 2016 4:00 pm
  • 2:18:48 mins

U.S?. Suicide Rates (17:04) Dr. Kathy Hempstead, senior advisor for health care at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Today, we are seeing the highest rate of suicide since 1986. According to the National Center for Health and Statistics, the overall suicide rate rose by 24% from 1999-2014, (42, 773 suicides in 2014 compared to 29, 199 in 1999) that’s 13 suicides per 100,000 people The same study shows a significant increase in middle aged (45-54) women, with the rate rising by 63% since 1999, and 43% for men. We aren’t only seeing an increase with middle ages men and women, the rate has tripled for girls ages 10-14.  Dr. Hempstead to tell us more about these shocking statistics and what can be done to help prevent more tragedies. Switched On: A Memoir of Brain Change and Emotional Awakening (1:01:46) John Elder Robison is a New York Times Best Selling Author for his book, Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's. Imagine living without one of your senses and one day it’s switched on. Suddenly you can hear for the first time or see color. John Elder Robison, knows what that feels like, but John wasn’t blind or deaf before this miraculous change. Mr. Robison has Asperger’s, a form of Autism, that left him without the ability to read emotions, and he’s here to talk about how his life suddenly changed. Managing Emotional Mayhem (1:46:29) Dr. Becky Bailey is an award-winning author, renowned teacher and internationally recognized expert in childhood education and developmental psychology. She is the founder of Loving Guidance, Inc., and the developer of the Conscious Discipline program. Dr. Bailey has authored 14 books related to guidance and discipline including her core publication for parents, Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline,  and joins the show to discuss her newest book, Managing Emotional Mayhem.