Preserving Memories, Healthy Relationships in Youth, Taking Responsibility for Your Happiness, Emotional Intelligence, Music Therapy, Screen Cleaning, Weekly Roundup
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 252
- Sep 6, 2019 6:00 am
- 1:40:59 mins
Preserving Memories (0:00:00) Professional organizer Ashley Stuart talks with Lisa and Richie about what we can do to organize our most precious family memories. Healthy Relationships in Youth (0:15:59) Every parent worries about their child’s safety. We worry about them getting hurt at recess, being bullied at school, or getting in a car accident. For the Love family, their nightmare came true in a way they didn’t expect: their daughter was killed by an abusive ex-boyfriend. After this terrible tragedy the Love family started “One Love,” a foundation that aims to educate people on how to cultivate healthy relationships and how to identify unhealthy relationships in order to prevent others from suffering like they did. Katie Hood, CEO of the One Love Foundation, joins us today to help us learn the signs of an unhealthy relationship and give us tips for teaching our own kids to recognize the differencebetween a healthy and unhealthy relationship. Taking Responsibility for Our Happiness (0:34:55) Americans are unhappier in 2019 than they’ve been in years, according to the latest World Happiness Report. And it’s a trend. The U.S. has dropped five spots in the world rankings since 2017. But when you have every reason to be unhappy, how do you push through to find positivity and joy instead? Contessa is a retired businesswoman and author, and she joins us to share her advice for taking charge of your own happiness. Emotional Intelligence (0:50:22) Have you ever taken an IQ test? What about an EQ test? In society and school, we put so much weight on a certain kind of smart--but are we forgetting the importance of another kind of intelligence? Recent studies have shown that a child’s level of emotional intelligence is actually a better indicator of future success than their IQ. So how can we help our kids develop this part of themselves? How can we work on it ourselves? Here to tell us all about it is Kerry Goyette, author of "The Non-Obvious Guide to Emotional Intelligence." Music Therapy (1:05:02) Music thera