Sharing a common-sense approach to parenting.
Richard and Linda Eyre are world traveling family coaches. Their common-sense approach to parenting brings hope and encouragement to parents everywhere. A production of BYUradio.
Richard and Linda Eyre are among the most popular speakers in the world on parenting and families. They are New York Times Best-Selling authors with several parenting books available. Richard has a Harvard MBA and is president of his own management consulting company. He was a mission president for his church in London, a former director of the White House Conference on Parents and Children, as well as a candidate for governor. Linda is a teacher, musician, and co-founder of International JoySchools.com, an in-home, do-it-yourself co-op and program for teaching preschoolers the joys of life. Both Richard and Linda have served on numerous arts, university, and non-profit boards and write weekly columns for the Deseret News and the Mormon Times.
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