Crazy Ice Cream Flavors, Self-Awareness of Emotional Habits, Gift Ideas for Father's Day, Avoiding Misinformation, Vaccine for a Relationship Virus, Gut Health

Crazy Ice Cream Flavors, Self-Awareness of Emotional Habits, Gift Ideas for Father's Day, Avoiding Misinformation, Vaccine for a Relationship Virus, Gut Health

The Lisa Show

  • Jun 15, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:42:10 mins
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(0:00:00) Crazy Ice Cream Flavors When you think of the best ice cream flavors, what do you think of? Chocolate? Strawberry? How about Hot Cheeto? Today, we are joined by Nickey Ngo, owner of Red Circle ice cream in Houston, Texas where they serve dozens of bizarre flavors. We're discussing the methods and reasoning behind the ice cream madness.  (0:19:28) Self-Awareness of Emotional Habits Whenever you feel uncomfortable, do you have a habit you go back to in order to feel better? While treating ourselves can be helpful at times, habits that are self-destructive can be extremely difficult to break and can do us more harm than good. Today, clinical psychologist Dr. Lara Fielding discusses how we can knock our self-destructive habits with self-awareness.  (0:37:20) Gift Ideas for Father's Day Gift giving is a love language that we embrace for many holidays. With Father's Day fast approaching, we all want to get something special for our old man. But do you ever find yourself drawing a blank on what to get? Carrie Ann Rhodes joins us today to share the best Father's Day gifts of 2020.  (0:50:14) Avoiding Misinformation When there's a crisis or big event-- although we haven't seen a lot of big events these days-- sorting through the news around it can be difficult. We want to stay informed, but how can we be sure that our news sources aren't feeding us misinformation? Professor of Information Technology and Cybersecurity, Amanda Hughes, shares how we can find reliable news. (1:07:09) Vaccine for a Relationship Virus Relationships aren't easy period, but things like high vulnerability and spending lots of time together in tight quarters definitely do not make them easier. We're all experiencing the Coronavirus in some way, but we may also be experiencing a relationship virus. Ganel-Lyn Condie gives suggestions on how to vaccinate against relationship viruses.  (1:26:24) Gut Health  We've all seen the rise and fall of diets, work out regimes and shimmery products that all fall under the umbrella of "good health." But over the last few years, health experts have consistently pointed us in the direction of gut health. Food and nutrition expert Toby Amidor shares why gut health is so important, as well as what we can do to keep our guts in good shape.