Love Woolies, Science of Yawning, Make Your Bed, National Pancake Day, Laundry Love, Relationships with In-Laws

Love Woolies, Science of Yawning, Make Your Bed, National Pancake Day, Laundry Love, Relationships with In-Laws

The Lisa Show

  • Feb 25, 2020 1:00 pm
  • 1:41:15 mins
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Love Woolies (0:00:00) Do you have a piece of clothing that, despite all the stains or holes you’ve put in it, you just can’t bring yourself to get rid of? Whether it be a shirt, skirt or sweater...our clothes have been with us through the most memorable times of life. It’s that same sentiment that makes it so tragic when we finally accept that they’re too worn to keep in our closet. But what if these used sweaters could be made beautiful again... recycled and remade into something else? Joining us today is Marcella Hill, owner of Love Woolies, a clothing brand that repurposes old sweaters into different products. But her story goes deeper than just repurposing old clothes. She reached out to us by our email, The Lisa Show at BYU dot EDU, because she felt inspired to share her story with us. The Science of Yawning (0:12:51) Yawning is one of those weird bodily functions that we don’t think much about. It just... happens. But have you noticed that when someone else yawns, you yawn too? What makes yawning so contagious? Science hasn’t come up with a definitive answer yet, but there is one psychologist who has some insights. We’ve invited Dr. Andrew Gallup, professor of evolutionary psychology and internationally-renowned yawning expert, onto the show today to teach us more. Make Your Bed (0:33:28) Making the bed is such a simple task, yet many of us still don’t make our beds even as adults. We wake up late, scarf down breakfast and rush to work... telling ourselves that the mere seconds it would take to pull up our sheets is time we don’t have. But this small morning task might have a much bigger impact than we realize. Our next guest believes it could even change the world. Admiral William H. McRaven is a retired U.S. Navy four-star admiral and the author of “Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life... And Maybe the World.” He joins us to share his simple tips that he believes will improve our lives. National Pancake Day (0:50:38) The age-old debate is whether pancakes or waffles are the best breakfast food. But regardless of your personal preference, we are celebrating pancakes today, because it’s National Pancake Day! Every year for the past 15 years, IHOP gives out free pancakes and collects donations for charity on National Pancake Day. They’ve been able to raise millions of dollars since they started in 2006, and we wanted to highlight the good they’re doing. We’ve invited Stephanie Peterson, head of communications at IHOP, to talk about the money they’ve raised and how you can participate this year. Laundry Love (1:05:21) Laundry is expensive. Americans spend just under 4 million dollars a year on buying washing machines alone. That doesn’t even take into consideration all the money spent on water, electricity, soap, and fabric softener. And laundromats eat your quarters faster than you can eat your groceries. Being able to wash your clothes is a luxury that many can’t afford. Laundry Love is an organization that focuses on helping homeless and impoverished members of the community in Hamilton, Montana wash their dirty laundry. Here to talk about her organization and how they’re helping the community is Laundry Love founder Stefani Jackson. Repairing Relationships with In-Laws (1:22:11) When you marry your spouse, you’re also marrying their family. Sometimes the in-laws are wonderful to be around, but other times they make you question why you ever considered marrying into their family in the first place. But while you don’t get to pick your family, you do get some say in how your relationship is going to be. While everyone’s relationship with their in-laws is different, some are seriously struggling with theirs. Joining us to discuss how to repair relationships with our in-laws is Dr. Andrea Polard, a psychologist and author.