Avoiding Burnout, Slow Down, Reducing Food Waste, Forgiving When Hurt Runs Deep, Write About It!, Oral Health in COVID-19

Avoiding Burnout, Slow Down, Reducing Food Waste, Forgiving When Hurt Runs Deep, Write About It!, Oral Health in COVID-19

The Lisa Show

  • May 4, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:41:16 mins
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Avoiding Work From Home Burnout (0:00:00) Let’s face it –not all of us were cut out for working from home every day. It’s important to be able to separate our home life from our work life. But now they’re all in the same place. So, it feels like work never ends, and our home feels less like the sanctuary it was before. Because our worlds are merging, our next guest says that people are at risk of experiencing burnout, which could affect them long term. Dr. Laura Giurge is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the London Business School, and she joins us today to discuss work from home burnout and how we can avoid it. Slow Down (0:16:20) So many of us wear our “busy-ness” like a badge of honor. How often do you ask yourself how you will possibly fit anything more into your schedule because you are just filled to capacity? Taking the time to actually slow down, however, will bring us the much needed peace and hopefulness we are all seeking. Friend of the show John Zeratsky noticed that he needed to slow down and decided to live a life of “contribution, community and belonging.” He is here with us today to talk about his process. Reducing Food Waste (0:34:33) It’s common for all of us to buy food at the store with the intention of cooking great meals only to let it waste away in the back corners of our fridge. According to one statistic, each of us wastes roughly 250 pounds of food per year. And it’s costing you more than you might think.... about $1,800 per year. Well we want to help you stop wasting your food and your money. So, we have friend of the show, Carrie Ann Rhodes, with us today to help us change our bad habits. Forgiving When Hurt Runs Deep (0:50:40) Forgiving someone who has hurt us deeply is one of the toughest challenges we face. It’s difficult to forget the pain we’ve felt and put the past behind us. But forgiveness allows us to let go of our grievances and judgments and truly begin to heal. So, how do we find the strength to forgive people who hurt and offend us? Well we invited Kirk Voss on the show today to help answer this question. Kirk is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. Write About It! (1:08:59) Throughout history, people have written about what was happening in their lives and in the world around them. We still have many of their writings in the form of letters and journals. But these documents aren’t just good for the historical record. We can also learn a lot from them about life and the shared human experience. And, it’s just as important for us to write about our own experiences during this unique and unprecedented time for our kids and grandkids and so on. Shelli Spotts, a writer and friend of the show, has some ideas on how we can journal, write creatively, or create art to express ourselves during stressful times. We’ve invited her on the show today to tell us more about these ideas. Oral Health and COVID-19 (1:25:17) Good dental hygiene might not be in the front of your mind during the pandemic. But with the American Dental Association urging dentists to offer only emergency care currently, it has never been more important. Nothing would be more uncomfortable than a painful cavity or sore that can’t be seen by a dentist. So knowing how to care for your teeth at home, will relieve you of worry and a whole lot of pain. We are talking with Dr. Rick Mars about how we can best care for our teeth and when you should seek out help during these times. Dr. Mars is a general dentist and the author of” The Big Smile: The Principles of Modern Dentistry –for Dentists and Patients”