The Potential Effects of a Privatized Air Traffic Control

The Potential Effects of a Privatized Air Traffic Control

Top of Mind with Julie Rose

GOP Healthcare, Unopposed Elections, Harry Potter's 20th

Episode: GOP Healthcare, Unopposed Elections, Harry Potter's 20th

  • Jun 26, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 21:28 mins

Guest: George Donohue, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Systems Engineering and Operations Research and Founding Director of the Center for Air Transportation Systems Research, George Mason University The smartphone you switch into airplane mode when you get on a flight is running on more advanced technology than the air traffic control system that guides when planes take off, what routes they fly and when they land. The FAA, which both operates and regulates air traffic control, has been working for decades to modernize the system. There have been improvements – for instance, most air traffic controllers are now using GPS rather than old-fashioned radar, to track flights. These changes just barely happened in the last year or two. But the modernization has been slow and fraught with mistakes and there’s a growing chorus of skeptics who think the FAA simply isn’t up to the job. They say a private non-profit could better operate air traffic control in the US and President Trump has now backed that proposal.

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Doctors Need to Weigh in on HealthCare Bills

Jun 26, 2017
16 m

Guest: Danielle Ofri, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, New York University, Editor-in-Chief of the Bellevue Literary Review and the Author of “What Patients Say, What Doctors Hear” The US Senate is expected to vote on its own version of a plan to replace Obamacare this week. The plan crafted by Senate Republicans bears a lot of similarity to what House Republicans passed several weeks ago. Major physician groups including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics have expressed concern that the Republican proposals will make healthcare in the US worse.  Dr. Danielle Ofri recently published an Op-Ed in the New York Times encouraging health professionals to take a side in the healthcare debate and call their members of Congress.

Guest: Danielle Ofri, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, New York University, Editor-in-Chief of the Bellevue Literary Review and the Author of “What Patients Say, What Doctors Hear” The US Senate is expected to vote on its own version of a plan to replace Obamacare this week. The plan crafted by Senate Republicans bears a lot of similarity to what House Republicans passed several weeks ago. Major physician groups including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics have expressed concern that the Republican proposals will make healthcare in the US worse.  Dr. Danielle Ofri recently published an Op-Ed in the New York Times encouraging health professionals to take a side in the healthcare debate and call their members of Congress.