Everyday Rockstar, Nostalgic TV, Promotions, Farmers Markets, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Connecting with Gen Z, Kids and Healthy Relationships

Everyday Rockstar, Nostalgic TV, Promotions, Farmers Markets, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Connecting with Gen Z, Kids and Healthy Relationships

The Lisa Show

  • May 27, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:41:15 mins
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Everyday Rockstar (0:00:00) Lisa and Richie talk with this week's featured Everyday Rockstar. You or someone you love could be featured too! Send your nominations to thelisashow@byu.edu. Nostalgic TV (0:06:09) The year is 2020, but who can admit most of the TV shows they watch aired more than 15 years ago? We all have those shows that we loved in our younger years that we could never let go.  And while you may be embarrassed to admit your watching habits, you've actually been doing your brain a lot of good. Those feel-good nostalgic memories you get when you watch your favorite, old show are more than just good feelings –they’re psychologically comforting. So, what makes nostalgic TV so therapeutic? Today we’re joined by Will Meyerhofer, a New York-based psychotherapist and author, here to talk with us about the psychological benefits of watching your favorite old TV shows. Why You Didn’t Get Promoted (0:18:43) Do you feel like you keep getting passed up for promotions at work? You work hard, you don’t complain, and you volunteer for extra projects. But you’re still in the same position you were a year ago. As much as we’d like to blame our boss or our own misfortunes for our lack of progress, our next guest says that we may be the problem. Former CFO of Microsoft North America and a leadership coach, John Rex, joins us share his advice for getting promoted at work. Farmers Markets and COVID-19 (0:36:05) There are a lot of benefits to shopping at farmers’ markets. Not only can you buy your food directly from the farmers who grew it while enjoying a stroll outside, but these markets generate double the movement of local economies compared to wholesale farmers. Plus, they offer healthier options. However, just like any other business at during this time, farmers’ markets have taken a hit from the coronavirus. So, what can we do to support this important piece of our community? Joining us to help answer this question is Kelly Verel. Kelly is a local food and public markets specialist. She has used her experience as an organic farmer to promote one of the country's largest networks of farmers market sat GrowNYC and more recently at the Project for Public Spaces. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (0:50:37) We all want to be in life. What would you say if I told you there’s a book that gives you the secret to success in 7 easy steps (or habits?) 30 years ago, Stephen Covey put down this habits in his bestselling book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Since then, his son, Sean Covey, has picked up the mantle with “7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens,” and “7 Habits of Happy Kids.” We’ve invited him here today to celebrate the 30th anniversary of his father’s book and to figure out—how can we be more successful? Connecting With Generation Z (1:13:00) Just as my generation is different from my parent’s generation, Generation Z is different from any generation before them. Many of my kids belong to Gen Z. Growing up with the internet, technology, and social media has changed the way they navigate the world and engage in activities. And other unique priorities and values have created a gap in understanding between them and us. But we want to close this gap, because we live and work with many who belong to this younger generation. So, we invited Mark Beal, a Rutgers University professor, and Michael Pankowski, a Harvard University student, who, despite a 30 year age gap, found a way to connect. They co-authored the book “Engaging Gen Z: Lessons to Effectively Engage Generation Z via Marketing, Social Media, Retail, Work & School.” Kids and Healthy Relationships (1:28:00) Watching our kids make their way through social circles and friendships can be difficult, and oftentimes, the temptation to intervene is strong. As parents, we’ve been through 1 or 2 bad relationships in our lifetime of experience, so we can detect the warning signs of an unhealthy friendship better than our kids can. But, without dictating who our kids can and cannot be friends with, how can we help them choose better friends? Today, we’ve invited an internationally published author, psychologist, and parenting expert, Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore, on the show to share how we can help our kids foster healthy relationships.