American Exceptionalism, Retirement or Kids College, Old Age

American Exceptionalism, Retirement or Kids College, Old Age

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 243

  • Oct 11, 2016 4:00 pm
  • 2:20:38 mins

American Exceptionalism Shapes Foreign Policy (18:07) Dr. Abram Van Engen is associate professor of English at Washington University in St. Louis, specializing in early American literature, religion, and culture.   “A Model of Christianity” a speech given by John Winthrop, a key organizer of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, is the founding document of American exceptionalism.  The phrase “A City on a Hill” did not only shape the Puritan colony, but has shaped America as a whole and still affects us today.  Dr. Abram Van Engen explains how American Exceptionalism shapes foreign policy. Bob The Clown-ty Hunter (1:01:16) With the spread of clown based fear across the country we here at BYU Broadcasting are premiering new show chronicling one mans efforts to combat the clown based dangers facing our country. Retirement or Kids College (1:19:37) Marty Allenbaugh is a financial senior marketer and a certified financial planner for T-Rowe Price Group. The total outstanding student loan debt in the U.S. is $1.2 trillion, which is the second-highest level of consumer debt behind only mortgages. Most of that is loans held by the federal government. About 40 million Americans hold student loans and about 70% of bachelor's degree recipient’s graduate with debt. With these numbers only seeming to increase and tuition rates continuing to rise, it seems there are very few ways left to pay for a college degree. Marty Allenbaugh explains how parents and kids can make choices now to pay for future college plans. Caitlin Thomas - Why We Love Football (1:29:28) America has proudly named its new favorite past time to be the good ol’ game of Football. "Baseball is what we were, Football is what we have become," wrote Mary McGrory, longtime Washington Post columnist. It seems America has become fascinated with Football. Here with us this morning to talk more about it is our very own Caitlin Thomas.  Old Age is not for Sissy's (1:52:05) Dr. Ron Hager is an Associate Professor of Exercise Sciences in the College of Life Sciences at Brigham Young University. His area is expertise is Chronic Disease Prevention. Dr. Ron is live from the Utah Senior Games and talks about the effects of aging.