North Korea Assassination, Cybersecurity, Anemia Treatment

North Korea Assassination, Cybersecurity, Anemia Treatment

Top of Mind with Julie Rose

  • Feb 28, 2017
  • 1:43:56 mins
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NK Assassination, Israeli Court Shakeup, Cyprus Peace Talks Guest: Quinn Mecham, Professor of Political Science, BYU World Events is Top of Mind today as we welcome regular Top of Mind contributor Quinn Mecham back into the studio. He joins us monthly with a look at three international events worth closer consideration. Is Cybersecurity a Human Right? Guest: Scott Shackelford, PhD, JD, Assistant Professor of Business Law and Ethics, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Back in 1948, the United Nations created a Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that “everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the security of person.” Pretty straightforward stuff, but since 1948, you could argue the definition of “person” has evolved a bit. Today, many of us feel like our lives extend to the internet. Our social media profiles, for example, or the purchase history that makes Amazon and Netflix so useful to us – they feel like an extension of ourselves. So, does the right to “security of person” extend to the cyber-persona? This is an area of active discussion in law and human rights circles. Is Your Doctor Being Paid to Tweet? Guest: Vinay Prasad MD, Professor of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University Does your doctor Tweet? That’s maybe a strange question, but more and more doctors are using social media, including our next guest Vinay Prasad, who is a cancer doctor. A few years ago, he began to notice other cancer doctors tweeting about various drugs and clinical trials, and he started to wonder if they were being paid by drug companies to post that information. We’ve all seen celebrities, pro-athletes and popular bloggers promoting products from sponsors on their social media accounts. Has that kind of advertising taken root in medicine, now, too? Exploitation of Black Labor after Slavery Guest: Kathy Forde, Chair and Associate Professor in the Journalism Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Rooting out the racial disparity in America’s justice system is a major goal of ongoing reform efforts supported both by conservatives and liberals. Here’s what we know: African Americans make up 13 percent of the US population, but they account for 37 percent of the inmates in US prisons. Laws created during the tough-on-crime, War on Drugs era of the 1980s and 1990s are often blamed for America’s high incarceration, and for the disproportionate number of African Americans doing time. Historian Kathy Forde says the trouble dates back much further – to about a decade after the Civil War when thousands upon thousands of freed slaves were arrested on trumped-up charges and leased to private companies to keep the Southern economy afloat. They became slaves by another name. Oscars Guest: Rod Gustafson, I watched La La Land win the Oscar for Best Picture last night and as soon as the producers started giving their acceptance speeches I switched off the TV and went to bed. And this morning I woke up to discover I missed the biggest drama of the evening – maybe of the biggest Oscar drama ever. They announced THE WRONG WINNER and only after several La La Land people gave their speeches, did one of the La La Land producers realize what had happened. New Anemia Treatment Guest: Richard Watt, PhD, Professor of Chemistry, BYU; Mike Alder, Director, Technology Transfer Office, BYU If you’ve ever had your doctor prescribe iron supplements, you may have had a bout of anemia. It’s particularly common among women and young children. Worldwide, anemia affects a quarter of the population and leads to fatigue and decreased productivity. At its most serious, it’s linked to brain damage and death in children and pregnant mothers who may hemorrhage during delivery.