Big Healthcare, Online Security Apps, Screen Cleaning

Big Healthcare, Online Security Apps, Screen Cleaning

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 112

  • May 12, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 2:25:35 mins

An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back (17:06) Elisabeth Rosenthal is a journalist and former practicing physician, she’s now editor in chief of Kaiser Health News. Rosenthal has written a new book, “An American Sickness,” chronicling how and why American health care costs are by far the highest in the world. America spends an average of close to $10,000 per person a year on healthcare, but are we getting our money’s worth? Elisabeth Rosenthal, former physician, and now editor in chief of Kaiser Health News, discusses her book An American Sickness.  Online Security Apps (1:01:42) Pamela Wisniewski is an Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida where she continues her research interests of Human-Computer Interaction, Social Computing, Digital Youth and Privacy.  She has published substantial research relating to adolescent online interactions and safety risks. The internet has never been more accessible, more enticing, and today’s teens are more exposure to it than any generation before them. Because of this, many teens are not prepared to encounter the risks of online interactions.  These risks can include cyberbullying, sexual exchanges, and viewing inappropriate content. In response to the risk increase, new parental control apps have surfaced to protect and supervise teen activities. A common problem is that the most popular and convenient apps are based solely on restriction rather than teaching a teen how to deal with a dangerous situation. Pamela Wisniewski talks with us about the importance of parent involvement and adolescent self-regulation. Caitlin Thomas - Super Weird Talents (1:28:15) It seems the way to get famous these days is to have either a really amazing talent…. Or a really weird one. Caitlin Thomas is here with us this morning to talk about some of the weird talents she has seen and maybe even share some weird talents in our office.  Jeff Simpson - Screen Cleaning (1:34:41) Jeff Simpson offers family friendly entertainment options and discusses the intersection of pop culture and everyday life. Rod Gustafson from Parent Previews explains the movie rating system.