US-Canada Relations, Latino Vote, Catalytic Converters

US-Canada Relations, Latino Vote, Catalytic Converters

Top of Mind with Julie Rose

  • Oct 10, 2016 11:00 pm
  • 1:42:56 mins
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What Canadians Think About the 2016 US Election  Guest: Christopher Sands, PhD, Director of the Center for Canadian Studies at John Hopkins University  Did you know it’s Thanksgiving in Canada? Probably not. We don’t tend to know much about Canadians other than maple syrup, hockey and maybe their camera?friendly young Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Canada hasn’t come up much in the presidential campaign either – though Donald Trump did namecheck it once in last night’s debate with a comment about how terrible Canadian healthcare is.   Trump and Clinton on National Security  Guest: Ryan Vogel, UVU, Founder of National Security Studies  On Friday, US Homeland Security and National Intelligence agencies came right out and accused the Russian Government of directing the hacks into Democratic Party emails. They said it was an attempt to interfere with the US election process. In last night’s presidential debate Hillary Clinton addressed the topic further.  Rising Power of the Latino Vote  Guest: Albert Camarillo, PhD, History Professor at Stanford University, Founder of the Stanford Center for Chicano Research.  In the presidential debate last night, immigration came up only in the context of if and how the US should allow Muslims to enter the country.   The immigration question likely to have a bigger impact on the election outcome is what to do with the 11 or 12 million immigrants – mostly of Mexican origin – who are in the United States illegally. Every day in this country, 3,000 more Hispanics become eligible to vote. Their ability to influence the election in 2016 is unprecedented, and immigration policy is their top concern.  Deep Water Horizon, Masterminds, Miss Peregrine’s  Guest: Rod Gustafson, Parent Previews   The backstory of a real?life disaster and a real?life bank heist gone?wrong are both in theaters now. We’ll start with the disaster.  Deepwater Horizon is the name of the film and the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that exploded in 2010, triggering the BP Oil Spill. Mark Wahlberg stars as the rig’s chief electronics technician when something goes terribly wrong.  Improving Catalytic Converters  Guest: Brian Woodfield, PhD, BYU Chemistry Professor; Mike Alder, BYU Director of Tech Transfer  On the air quality front, the news is mixed in the US. The Clean Air Act, stricter controls on power plant emissions and advances in fuel efficiency have led to a steady decline in air pollution over the last two decades. But there are some cities – particularly out here in the West – where heat and drought combine with pollution to create a record number of days with dangerous levels of pollutants in the air. Along the Wasatch Front, where BYUradio is located, we routinely have “red air” warnings through the winter when we’re urged to carpool and not burn wood fires.   So there is work to be done. And one are of that work includes making cars cleaner.