Birds of Fortune

Birds of Fortune

The Apple Seed

  • May 21, 2020 1:00 am
  • 56:03 mins
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Have you ever wondered what birds are saying as they sing to each other? Or pondered what stories the trees in your front yard tell? In today’s story by Susan Strauss, we’ll hear about an old man who receives a magical cap that allows him to understand all living things. There will also be stories by Doug Elliot, Kaye Brynes, and Joseph Bruchac. On today’s episode, enjoy the following: “Groundhogs and Indians” by Doug Elliot “Birds of Fortune” by Susan Strauss “Gramma’s Cookies” by Kaye Brynes “Racoon and the Crayfish” by Joseph Bruchac RFJ: Grilled PB&J Storyteller Spotlight: Susan Strauss Susan Strauss is recognized internationally as a storyteller of natural history performances, combining mythic/traditional story with personal anecdote and scientific information to provoke an experience of natural archetypes, including: water, plants, marine life, landscapes, wolves, coyotes, birds, bears and other wildlife. Susan also tells fool stories, hero myths and traditional stories of feminine and masculine archetypes. She gives storytelling performances and workshops at a host of different places including museums, aquariums, assorted professional conferences, and school assemblies throughout the U.S., Europe and Australia. She especially loves giving Storytelling Science workshops and teaching Eurythmy at the Waldorf School of Bend. Susan has produced multi-cultural storytelling books and award-winning audio recordings of children's and adult stories, all of which can be ordered from her website at She is currently working on a new book of plants myths.  It will be a collection of 12 mythic/traditional stories from world cultures which express the biological gifts of the plant world such as: photosynthesis, plants bringing medicine, relation to pollinators and decomposers, biodiversity in wise agricultural practices, and the special value of trees and mycorrhiza.  Each story will be prefaced by a description of the science revealed in the myth.  These will be written by Dr. Ian Edward, Director of Public Engagement at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh and illustrated by artist, Justyn Livingston.  It should be available by August.