Adventure Attitude, Comedic Relief, Bring Your Kids to Work, Living with College Kids, Mini Book Club, Different Types of Flour

Adventure Attitude, Comedic Relief, Bring Your Kids to Work, Living with College Kids, Mini Book Club, Different Types of Flour

The Lisa Show

  • Apr 23, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:41:10 mins
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Adventure is an Attitude (0:00:00) The definition of adventure is the excitement and the exploration of the unknown. By those terms, we are all living an adventure as we are definitely exploring and living through the unknown. Perhaps many of our trips and plans were dashed during this experience. But a cancelled flight or a refunded hotel doesn’t mean that you can’t still find adventure in your life. We are talking today with a friend of the show, Martin Hurlburt, who has lived as much adventure in his life as possible. He coins the phrase, “adventure is an attitude”. Comedic Relief (0:14:12) Is anyone here stressed? I am! We wanted to know the best antidote to stress, and, shockingly enough, it isn’t a bubble bath. It’s laughing! Research shows that a good, hearty, laugh can relax the body for up to 45 minutes afterward, release feel-good endorphins, shifts perspective, and takes the edge off distressing emotions. So this made me wonder—how can we laugh more? To help us with this endeavor, we’ve invited Josh Fonokalafi onto the show. Josh is an actor and a comedian! Bring Your Kids to Work From Home (0:35:00) Today is national “bring your kids to work day”... but it’s not the same as it once was in the offices of days past. Lately we’ve all had to bring our work to our kids. But how is that actually panning out? I think we can all relate to our kids crashing our zoom meetings and having to take breaks in our work schedule to make lunch or ensure they’re doing their schoolwork. We know it’s been hard for parents to adapt to this, so we invited friend of the show Adelia Moore to help us figure out how to manage “bring your kids to work day” every day, and maybe how we can involve our kids in our work a little bit more. Adelia is an author and clinical psychologist who specializes in families and young adults. Living with College Kids (0:50:35) When colleges moved their classes online, many kids packed up their dorm rooms and apartment sa few months early and headed back to their childhood bedrooms. For these adult children, it has been especially difficult to move back under their parent’s roof after living independently for so long. And for the parents, trying to force their college kids to live by their household rules has been no easy task. And to top it all off, COVID-19 has put a special little twist on the whole situation making it impossible for either party to leave quarantine and get some space. So, how can parents and their adult children learn to live with each other during this time? Here to share her advice with us is author and social psychologist, Susan Newman. Mini Book Club: Award Winners (1:08:46) Rachel Wadham of BYU Radio’s Worlds Awaiting talks with Lisa and Richie about the newest award winning books that we should check out. Different Types of Flour (1:28:03) From bread to biscuits, cookies to cake, baking is the art of turning flour into food. Cooking with different kinds of flours might sound exciting but choosing the wrong type can lead to a culinary disaster. Knowing the differences of each one will help you feel more comfortable in the kitchen and greatly improve the quality of your creations! Here to help us sift through the details of different kinds of flour and discuss when each one should be used when baking different recipes is Tanya Quinn . Tanya is a home chef.