At the Dance
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 494
- Oct 4, 2016 6:00 am
- 58:28 mins
This episode is dedicated to all those awkward, endearing, and enchanted moments that occur when the music is playing loud, the night is young, and there’s someone across the room that’s taking our breath away: pin that flower to your lapel, comb back your hair, and smooth out all your wrinkles because right now, we’re goin’ to the dance. Stories and songs included in this episode: Twelve Dancing Princesses Our first story is has variations in India, Armenia, Cape Verde, Scotland, and even Turkey, but you may know it best as it is told by the Grimm Brothers. It’s time to slip on those dancing shoes. To learn more about Megan Hicks visit Deidrene's Dance Story Do you remember the first time you danced with someone you really liked? The exciting and awkward thrill of taking someone’s hand and walking together to the dance floor? Perfect Match Embarrassment is just one of those emotions that will always elicit great stories, no matter what decade it is. Let’s step back to the ‘60s with this memory from Dolores Hydock. To learn more about her work Thyme We think you’ll love this perfect mix of awkward excitement, endearing embarrassment, and those moments that stick with us long after the dance has ended. To learn more about Jane Stenson visit