S6 E11: Happiness - Stories by Angela Lloyd and Paul Strickland
The Apple Seed - Season 6, Episode 11
- May 9, 2024 6:00 am
- 31:13 mins
Join us as Angela Lloyd and Paul Strickland, from live recordings in the Apple Seed Studio, tell stories about finding happiness in unassuming places. As we share laughs, good company, and show a little empathy, we might find more stories about happiness in our lives than we could ever imagine. (1:26) "The Ragged Peddler" - Angela Lloyd tells a story of how a peddler comes to a town to sell goods, and yet had nothing to sell. (10:07) Sam shares a story about finding happiness in his own backyard. (14:07) "The Eulogy of Melvin V. Odroit" - Paul Strickland tells a story about all the lessons one could teach on how to embrace life where you are at, no matter the skills you may (or may not) have. In the end, one of the greatest happinesses is being in love. Great stories can change your world. What stories and memories were sparked for you and who will you share them with? Hosted by storyteller Sam Payne. A production of BYUradio. Key Words: Joy, Storyteller, Service, Empathy, Present, Family, Happiness, Loss, Lessons, Laughter, Stories, Storytelling, Curiosity