Yes, And, Effects of Divorce on Kids, Bad Movies, Food Addiction, Dolls of Hope, Parlay Effect (Full Show)

Yes, And, Effects of Divorce on Kids, Bad Movies, Food Addiction, Dolls of Hope, Parlay Effect (Full Show)

The Lisa Show

  • Feb 4, 2020 3:00 pm
  • 1:41:17 mins
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Yes, And (0:00:00) I think we can all agree that life never happens the way we plan it to. One day everything is fine, and the next day everything seems to be falling apart. Especially as parents... most of the time we’re just improvising. While few of us will ever have to perform for an audience on a downtown improv comedy stage, sometimes life feels like a performance we haven’t rehearsed for. After all, “All the world’s a stage” as Shakespeare once said. But that doesn’t mean we’re destined to flop on life’s stage. Here to teach us how to thrive off of the uncertainties and unexpected events of life is improv comedian, mother of eight, and friend Katie Craig. The Effects of Divorce on Kids (0:18:49) In America, 42 to 45 percent of marriages end in divorce. While this is a topic that can be incredibly painful for us grown-ups to deal with, it can be even more stressful forour children. Divorce changes their lives as much as it does their parents, but kids don’t always know how to handle such huge life shifts. With us to discuss how we can help our kids or the kids of our friends going through the divorce process is Amy Morin, psychotherapist, psychology lecturer, and international bestselling author. Why We Love Bad Movies (0:34:08) With the Oscars just around the corner, everyone is hotly debating what the best movies of the year were. Great movies like "Little Women," "Ford versus Ferrari," and "Marriage Story" are all up for best picture. But what about the worst movies--the ones that earned a 25% on Rotten Tomatoes AND we LOVED? There are some movies we know are terrible, but we just can’t help but love them. Here to tell us why we find pleasure in those made-for-TV, low scoring-Rotten Tomato movies are media experts Karen and Lee Shackelford. Food Addiction (0:50:38) Our culture loves food. In fact, most of our social events and holidays revolve around food. We have Thanksgiving dinner, Valentine’s Day chocolates, and Birthday cake. Our love for delicious food is nothing to be ashamed of, but we have to be careful not to let that love turn into an unhealthy addiction. Recently, studies have shown that sugary foods can be as addictive as some illicit drugs. Knowing that we can become addicted to food—what can we do to beat those addictions? Here to share with us her tips is nutritionist and food addiction expert Dr. Nicole Avena. Dolls of Hope (1:04:25) Our world is laden with the burdens of many crises. The ever-growing refugee crisis is all consuming and has caused a great deal of worry and panic. It affects so many, including children, who should be having joyful learning and growing experiences at this time of life. Instead, these children are in refugee camps, worried about food, shelter, and how they’ll survive. How can we help them? How can they have joy in their lives. Three and a half years ago, Sarah Parson founded an organization called Dolls of Hope. As of the end of 2019, Dolls of Hope has sent over 35,500 handmade dolls and bears and matchbox cars to children living in crisis in 37 countries around the world. Sarah’s here today to tell us more about her organization and how we can get involved and serve. Parlay Effect (1:25:08) We’ve all heard how important networking is. We need to make connections with people in order to get the job we want, but what happens when we focus too much on these kinds of “give-to-get” relationships and ignore building real connections with people? Anne Devereux-Mills found herself in this situation after learning her cancer had returned, dropping off her last child at college, and losing her job. She decided to re-focus on building authentic connections with women in her community by starting the “Parlay House.” She joins us today to share the importance of genuine relationships.