How to Have Different Opinions and Stay Friends
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 877 , Segment 3
Putting a Pause on Negative Self-Talk
Episode: Putting a Pause on Negative Self-Talk
- Apr 6, 2022 8:00 am
- 10:52 mins
I don’t know about you, but I sometimes have a hard time logging on to social media because of the seemingly endless war of political views and opinions. Some days I feel like my feed has more posts from loose acquaintances fighting each other instead of posts from family and friends. In our world of increased political polarization, it has become common practice for friends and family to unfollow or unfriend one another because of political posts and opinions. But isn’t there another way? Is there a way to have respectful civil discourse with someone without having to block them out entirely? To help us today we’ve an invited an expert in defusing difficult situations, US Army Veteran & Private Investigator, Gregory Tucker, to help us learn how to have different opinions and stay friends in today’s political climate.