Dionne Quintuplets, Cheaper by the Dozen, Semicolon, Hashtag History

Dionne Quintuplets, Cheaper by the Dozen, Semicolon, Hashtag History

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 305

  • Nov 25, 2019 7:00 am
  • 1:41:07 mins
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The Miracle and Tragedy of the First Surviving Quintuplets Guest: Sarah Miller, author, "The Miracle and Tragedy of the Dionne Quintuplets" Yvonne, Marie, Annette, Cécile, Émilie, and Marie Dionne were the first quintuplets to survive past birth. Born on a farm in Ontario, their upbringing took a strange turn when the government assumed guardianship of them and then exploited them as a tourist attraction.   The Real Story of an Iconic American Family Guest: Jane Lancaster, Visiting Fellow, Brown University, and author, "Making Time: Lillian Moller Gilbreth--A Life Beyond 'Cheaper by the Dozen'" Published in 1948, then adapted into several movies by the same name, "Cheaper by the Dozen" is an American favorite. While many think they know the story, few know the real history of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth and their 13 children.  Why You Should Love the Semicolon Guest: Cecelia Watson, faculty, Language and Thinking, Bard College, and author, “Semicolon: The Past, Present, and Future of a Misunderstood Mark” Punctuation as a rule is a relatively recent invention, with different marks going in and out of style, and with their usage changing over time. Cecelia Watson calls for a return to the freedom of an understanding of punctuation as a stylistic art rather than part of the didactic dictatorship of grammarians. \#HistoryoftheHashtag Guest: Chris Messina, inventor of the hashtag How has the hashtag changed the way we communicate? It was meant to be a way of finding people with similar interests, but it's now morphed in to a tool with many uses.