Gregory Alan Isakov: Interview

Gregory Alan Isakov: Interview

Highway 89 - Season 6, Episode 35

  • Aug 3, 2016 6:00 am
  • 7:07 mins
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Gregory Alan Isakov is a singer/songwriter, touring artist, and occasional farmer that released a new CD: The Weatherman. Highway 89’s host, Steven Kapp Perry, recently spoke with him.  INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT:  SKP: I’m excited to be talking today with Gregory Alan Isakov who is on a break ‘from the road.’ And I think most of your life is currently touring, is it not? Except for a day or two stolen at home in Colorado?  GAI: Yeah, you know most of the winters that has been the schedule lately. Because I run a small farm just outside Boulder, Colorado. So I mostly work during the summers. We’ll do some festivals \[in the summer] but not very many.  SKP: You have a brand new album, it’s called Weatherman and there’s not really a song on the playlist called Weatherman. Is it a line or is it just an idea that you chose that for?  GAI: It sort of happened kind of organically. I was writing a series of short stories called The Weatherman and at the same time that I was making the record. So a lot of lines made it into the record and a lot of the ideas and a lot of the subject matter was sort of just about these everyday things that maybe you skip in your perception or you don’t notice as much. These kind of very normal mundane things and bringing light to these and finding magic in them.  SKP: You know you have a very distinctive sense of art, not only in your music (what I hear reflected), but if I look on your website too there’s this look: something nostalgic from the past. I saw a fans response to a photo you had posted. It was you in an old—what we’d almost call an immigrant’s cap—and that person said “What century do you live in anyway?”  GAI: (laughing)  SKP: And I wonder do you ever feel out of sorts with the modern world?  GAI: I always do, yeah. I think I always have had that kind of feeling—especially where I live it’s the more rural setting. But I am pretty psyched to live right now \[in this day and age]. (Laughing) I like getting avocados in the winter and there’s some pretty cool things about our