Foster Care Crisis
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 205 , Segment 2
Strong Mothers Strong Sons, Foster Care Crisis
Episode: Strong Mothers Strong Sons, Foster Care Crisis
- Aug 27, 2018 1:00 pm
- 29:13 mins
Mike Hamblin is the Director of Recruitment at Utah Foster Care Foundation. Utah Foster Care is a private non-profit with a contract with the State of Utah to do all of the recruitment and training for state licensed foster families. As of 2014 there were 415,129 children in foster care in the United States with 39% 5 years old or under. 46% of those 400,000 children are living in a Foster Family Home which means they are living with non-relative caregivers. In 2014 only 238,230 children exited foster care. Many problems exist in the Foster Care system including the overuse of group homes, kids aging out of the system without proper support, and Foster Parents need more support to deal with the many challenges they face in caring for these children. Mike Hamblin discusses the many issues in the foster care system and how we can help.