Wells Fargo Fraud, Unexpected Beauty, Parent Previews

Wells Fargo Fraud, Unexpected Beauty, Parent Previews

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 264

  • Nov 4, 2016 4:00 pm
  • 2:24:49 mins

Wells Fargo Fraud (18:03) Professor Elizabeth C. Tippett is the Assistant Professor at the University of Oregon School of Law and Conflict and the Dispute Resolution Master’s Program Faculty Co-Director. Professor Tippett researches behavioral ethics, employment law, and decision-making.  The CEO of the third largest bank in the US stepped down this past month in wake of fraud and scandal charges. Professor Elizabeth Tippett talks about how Wells Fargo encouraged employees to commit fraud by providing the opportunity and the pressure to do it. Rappin' the News (44:46) Our seasoned correspondents Edsel and Agatha Dinwoody recap the week in news. The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected (1:05:36) Dr. Marcelo Gleiser is a professor of physics and astronomy at Dartmouth College. He specializes in cosmology, nonlinear physics, and astrobiology. His main research interests fall into two general areas. The first is the interface between cosmology (which studies the universe as a whole) and particle physics (which studies the smallest material constituents of the universe). Fishing is a sport of leisure. You might go out early in the morning alone, and wait hours until you have a bite. In those hours, many people sit in silent reflection, but few people spend their time pondering about particle cosmology. But Dr. Marcelo Gleiser does just that, his book “The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected” describes how he travels the world to attend scientific conferences, fishing wherever he goes. At each stop, he considers how physics and his hobby inform each other. Liana Tan - Save Time (1:32:45) Most people would say that they are rushed and overscheduled. How can we save time and do more with our day? Producer Liana Tan shares some ideas. Parent Previews - Trolls, Hacksaw Ridge and Dr. Strange (1:53:20) Rod Gustafson from Parent Previews joins the show to review Trolls, Hacksaw Ridge and Dr. Strange.