School Segregation, Tourette Syndrome, Colorblind Police

School Segregation, Tourette Syndrome, Colorblind Police

Top of Mind with Julie Rose

  • May 24, 2016 9:00 pm
  • 1:42:59 mins
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America's Resegregating Schools Guest: Jacob Rugh, PhD, Assistant Professor of Sociology at BYU The Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling “Brown v. Board of Education” sixty-two years ago this month declaring racially-segregated schools are illegal.  So why, then, do new federal data show a growing number of schools almost entirely full of Black and Hispanic students who also happen to come from very poor households? The number of such schools in the US has more than doubled in the last 15 years, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office released last week. The conclusion? America’s public school system appears to be steadily re-segregating by race and class. Treating Tourette Syndrome Guest: Michael Himle, PhD, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Director of the Center of Excellence in Tourette Syndrome at the University of Utah People with Tourette Syndrome have often been the butt of cheap jokes in movies where they’re featured blurting profanities. That’s actually a symptom that affects a small portion of people diagnosed with Tourette. Involuntary sounds and movement known as “tics” are the more common manifestation of this neurological disorder that has no cure and limited treatment options. The best treatment is not easily accessible to many patients with Tourette. Water from Thin Air Guest: Majid Bahrami, PhD, Engineering Professor at Simon Fraser University Nearly 800 million people across the globe are without access to clean water – many of them living in drought-stricken Africa. The underground reservoirs that have sustained life around the world for centuries are drying up. So, scientists have turned to the sky. Not just to capturing rain water, but to actually wringing water out of the atmosphere – out of thin air. Why “Colorblindness” Is Not a Good Thing Guest: Carla Hunter, PhD, Professor of Psychology at University of Illinois One of six police officers charged in connection with the 2015 death of Freddie Gray was found “not guilty” on all charges yesterday. Gray’s death sparked riots in Baltimore and was among several incidents across the country to ignite a national conversation about the police treatment of black men.  Little Liars Guest: Kang Lee, PhD, Professor of Developmental Neuroscience and Education at the University of Toronto There’s a crash in the other room. You come running in and there’s a four-year-old standing next to the broken lamp looking all innocent and surprised, insisting he didn’t do it.  But you’re not fooled because kids are terrible liars. Or, so we think. From the Vaults: Copernicus’ Revolutionary Theory Guests: Tom Stephens, a Physical and Mathematical Sciences Librarian in the Harold B Lee Library at BYU; Maggie Kopp, Curator of the History of Science Collection in Special Collections at the Harold B Lee Library “You are not the center of the universe!” Ever used that retort with someone being annoyingly self-centered? Well, Nicolaus Copernicus essentially began telling that to the world in the year 1514. It was a blow to the collective ego of the West, and, was not warmly embraced by either scientific or religious leaders. We now know he was right.