Fathering Project

Fathering Project

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 486 , Segment 1

The Fathering Project, Lunchbox Dad, Stay-At-Home Dads, Father's Day Prep, Expecting Dads, Quarantine Kids

Episode: The Fathering Project, Lunchbox Dad, Stay-At-Home Dads, Father's Day Prep, Expecting Dads, Quarantine Kids

  • Jun 19, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 11:47 mins

The Fathering Project With Father's Day coming up on Sunday, we're talking about fathers and father figures who are changing kids' lives by being great dads. But, what are the characteristics of a great dad? Joining us today is Wayne Bradshaw, CEO of the Fathering Project, a non-profit based at the University of Western Australia. He joins us to talk about how to be a great dad and the benefits of fatherhood.