Jambalaya Forty-Two
  • Jun 3, 2015 6:00 am
  • 58:30 mins
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Like the ingredients of a good jambalaya, these stories are great together or on their own. Stories included in this episode: Brian 'Fox' Ellis Story: The Pooka & The Penny Whistle Teller:  Brian 'Fox' Ellis Site: foxtalesint.com Notes: A penny whistle player learns a valuable lesson. Tim Lowry Story: Toilet Paper and a Troubled Teenager Teller:  Tim Lowry Site: www.storytellertimlowry.com Notes: Tim shares a story from his time as an eighth grade English teacher. Danielle Bellone Story: Indian Princesses Teller:  Danielle Bellone Site: www.pocketmousetells.com Notes: Danielle and her father bond through a father-daughter program.  Donna Washington Story: The Wise King, the Cook, and the Farmer Teller:  Donna Washington Site: www.donnawashington.com Notes: A wise king uses his senses to reconcile an argument.  Mark Binder Story: Jack and the Beanstalk Teller:  Mark Binder Site: markbinder.com Notes: The quintessential Jack tale .

Episode Segments