Gift Giving
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 600 , Segment 2
Staying Active as Working Parents, Gift Giving, Gifted Kid Burnout, Theater Benefits, Relationship on the Rocks
Episode: Staying Active as Working Parents, Gift Giving, Gifted Kid Burnout, Theater Benefits, Relationship on the Rocks
- Nov 30, 2020 1:35 pm
- 17:19 mins
Now that we’ve passed Thanksgiving, we’ve officially entered gift giving season! Time to start thinking about your shopping list for your kids, significant other, and all those distant friends and family that you feel obligated to include. The question is, what do you get them? Cash is too impersonal but you also don’t want to get them something they won’t like. And should we include a gift receipt in the bag? And how do we know if our kid’s have graduated from toys to clothes and CDs? While one of the best times of the year, clearly the gift giving season requires a little navigation. Here to help guide us on all things gifts for this holiday season is friend of the show Carrie-Ann Rhodes.