Non-Fiction, Helps for Language Impairment
Worlds Awaiting - Season 1, Episode 26
- Aug 20, 2016 6:00 am
- 28:59 mins
The Amazing World of Non-fiction (3:10) Non-fiction – kids today can find an endless supply of it. But, sometimes, non-fiction gets a bad rap because of negative encounters with it in childhood. Today, Rachel visits with Terrell Young, a children’s literature expert at BYU, about the amazing world of non-fiction and all the fascinating opportunities that are out there. Terrell has served on numerous committees and is co-author of many books including Children’s Literature, Briefly; and, Creating Lifelong Readers Through Independent Reading. Language Assessment and Intervention (13:46) Next, Rachel visits with Martin Fujiki and Bonnie Brinton, professors in the BYU Department of Communication Disorders, who discuss language impairment, how to spot it in your child, and, where to go to find help. Dr. Martin Fujiki and Dr. Bonnie Brinton are both experienced speech pathologists and researchers in that field. Writing Advice from Real Authors (24:36) We finish up the show today with three young adult book authors - Tim Wynne-Jones, Martine Leavitt, and Patrice Kindl – who share tips with youth (and adults) who want to enter the world of writing.