Conversation About Dying

Conversation About Dying

Top of Mind with Julie Rose

Fed Interest Rates, Mexican Migration, Dying, Consumer Rage

Episode: Fed Interest Rates, Mexican Migration, Dying, Consumer Rage

  • Dec 14, 2015 10:00 pm
  • 12:32 mins

Guest: Karl Lorenz, MD, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University and Section Chief for the Veterans Health Administration-Stanford Programs in Palliative Care  Here’s a stunning fact to consider – back when Medicare was signed into law 50 years ago, most people died in their homes and the life sustaining treatments we’ve come to consider standard procedure hadn’t been invented yet. Technological advances have helped us live longer. But are we living better? We’re definitely not dying better, according to the doctors and researchers who focus on end-of-life care.

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Tech Tranfer: Better Quinoa

Dec 14, 2015
22 m

Guests: Rick Jellen, PhD, Professor in the Plant & Wildlife Sciences Department at BYU; Mike Alder, Director of BYU’s Technology Transfer Office The past couple of years, quinoa has been by popping up on the organic aisle at the grocery store and appearing on the menus for those hip soup and salad places that are so popular. It’s a grain, in case you were wondering. And now it’s become so mainstream that you can buy it in your Cheerios cereal.  A couple of researchers here at BYU are tinkering with quinoa’s DNA to see if they can make a better version – better for growing in certain places, not necessarily better tasting.  More information about technology developed at BYU is available at

Guests: Rick Jellen, PhD, Professor in the Plant & Wildlife Sciences Department at BYU; Mike Alder, Director of BYU’s Technology Transfer Office The past couple of years, quinoa has been by popping up on the organic aisle at the grocery store and appearing on the menus for those hip soup and salad places that are so popular. It’s a grain, in case you were wondering. And now it’s become so mainstream that you can buy it in your Cheerios cereal.  A couple of researchers here at BYU are tinkering with quinoa’s DNA to see if they can make a better version – better for growing in certain places, not necessarily better tasting.  More information about technology developed at BYU is available at