America Warms to Religion, Sleep and Memory, Enjoying P.E.

America Warms to Religion, Sleep and Memory, Enjoying P.E.

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 495

  • Feb 22, 2017 7:00 am
  • 1:42:21 mins
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America Warms to Religion Guest: Jessica Martinez, Senior Researcher, Pew Research Center America is sharply divided politically and racially. But a new Pew Research Center survey says that we’re becoming less divided religiously: Americans express more positive feelings toward various religious groups today than they did just a few years ago. Even public perception of Muslims has improved. Which is surprising, considering the angry talk from politicians of banning Muslims from this country. And generally speaking, it’s surprising that feelings toward religion would be improving at all given other Pew Research data that finds Americans are less and less religious. The fastest growing religious group in the country is the “nones” – as in, they identify with “no religion.” Presidential Conflicts of Interest Guest: Kathleen Clark, Professor of Law, Washington University, St. Louis, Attorney in Pirvate Practice, Washington, DC Americans may be feeling warmer about religion in the US, but they’re not very hot on how President Trump is handling the conflicts of interest that could arise from his vast web of business dealings. A Quinnipiac University poll taken in late January found only half of Americans are satisfied with Trump keeping ownership of his business but having his sons run it while he’s president. More than half of Americans are concerned that “Trump would veto a law that would be good for the country because it would hurt his business interests.”  We are in uncharted territory. Trump’s business entanglements around the globe are unprecedented for a US President. And he’s so far made less of an effort than his recent predecessors to establish the kind of separation between himself and his business that would eliminate suspicion his sons are getting special treatment while they’re out making deals for the Trump company because their father is leader of the free world. Less Sleep Leads to Fewer Memories Guest: Rick Huganir, PhD, Director of the Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University, Me